Working from home has never been more common and with lockdown 5.0 in full swing, many of us have transitioned comfortably back to our remote offices. Let’s be honest, we know the drill better than anyone else. Though when we’re confronting procrastination tendencies, the cooler months do provide a different set of obstacles for us to tackle.

When the temperature drops and the rain starts settling in, our usual outdoor walks and exercises might be harder to engage in. This is where we need to adapt to new ways of achieving focus indoors. Optimizing your working area for better concentration is one of the best things you can do to keep yourself productive.

Here is a list of tips and tricks you can use to improve your work environment and ensure your space is practical for the winter months.

Clean your desk
This seems like an obvious suggestion, but cleaning your desk is great for increasing productivity. There are times when the mugs and paperwork start piling up, and it starts becoming a fight for space. Take a few minutes at the end of each day to clear any clutter so that it doesn’t build up. This will also ensure you start the next day with a clean slate and a tidy desk that you want to work at.

Don’t eat and work
When we’re in the office, it’s normal to leave the building during your lunch break. Whether you head to a local café or eat in the park, it’s also the perfect chance to get some fresh air. But when you’re working from home, eating at your desk becomes an easy habit that many of us are guilty of. Instead, make a conscious effort to schedule designated mealtimes and ensure you’re away from the computer screen so you can recharge.

Don’t stay in your pyjamas
There are days when you wake up and it’s so cold you just want to stay in your warm pyjamas. It might be comfortable, but it can easily blur your work life and home life into one. Getting out of your pyjamas and getting dressed will help provide structure to your day and create separation between the two. By fulfilling this simple routine, it’s a perfect way to get your mind ready and productive.

Bedtime and waking up
A routine is great to keep your body and mind connected. When we don’t follow a regular sleep schedule, our melatonin production gets delayed which means we struggle to fall asleep adequately and promptly. Give yourself the same bedtime every night to ensure you get the right amount of sleep for a normal workday. It’s one of the kindest things we can do for ourselves and a definite way to initiate an energetic start to the day.

Put an end to your workday
Leaving the office is a physical release that lets us know our day has finished. The boundaries of work and relaxation can become blurred when your home becomes your office. It’s easy to get sucked into “just one more hour” when you’re already at home and aren’t facing a commute. To avoid burning yourself out, ensure you establish a sustainable work-life balance.