Meals with Impact is the creation of experienced Chef, Harris Ryan and Community Development Specialist, Nikki Blanch who were motivated into action following the July 4, Covid-19 lockdown of the Flemington Estates in 2020. They were witness to a severe lack of appropriate food provisions in this incredibly traumatic and untested period of time to the broad, and culturally diverse residents. I recently sat down with Harris to learn more about this inspirational social enterprise.

Over a twelve-month period, Harris and Nikki initiated a local program that was not only dedicated to providing culturally appropriate food relief but also to opening doors to migrant and refugee women by providing them with employment opportunities. These migrant women from varying cultural backgrounds are now employed as participants who co-design appropriate and indigenous meals suited to their individual countries of origin. They are now in a position where they can provide financial support to their families, many of whom still reside overseas.

For two years the group moved through Ascot Vale, Collingwood, and Preston kitchen locations. Late last year, the government partnered to find an appropriate space in the city environs for a permanent site for this burgeoning operation. They have now established their Food and Multicultural Hub here in Docklands, at 747 Collins Street, the previous location of The Mad Hatters Café. Not only a vibrant and inviting space offering breakfast and lunch, but the Hub also provides a culturally inclusive and safe prayer space adjacent to the café for women.

Harris and his incredible team are on a mission to create systemic change against the barriers that migrant women in particular face, against inequity in gaining employment opportunities. They provide pathways of training for women to be able to build knowledge, gain transferable skills, and ultimately support a natural growth in confidence to be able to find independent employment opportunities. To date, 18 women have been hospitality trained and are now in diverse, long term, sustainable employment.

Not only does Meals with Impact provide absolutely delicious, culturally diverse meals on-site, but they also provide catering for events, as well as corporate volunteering opportunities. Partnering with the socially responsible Ageyo Coffee, led by husband and wife founders, Daniel & Soliana, Ageyo is the exclusive coffee offered here. Ageyo is a village in Ethiopia where Daniel’s family has been farming coffee for over 45 years. The beans are all imported from the region and roasted here in Melbourne. Yet another socially enterprising business, Ageyo supports local schools and employment opportunities for women in Ethiopia. Did you know that it only takes $200 to support a child through an entire year of education there?

We can all do our small part by partaking of, and supporting these incredible businesses that are working towards the greater global good, here in our own backyard.

Come along, sit down for a coffee, a meal, and a chat.

For further details, please go to: